We recently asked a long time resident of Lake Wisconsin to share his perfect day on the lake with us and he was thrilled to share his special day with us.
An ideal day on Lake Wisconsin.
Wake up at sunrise, go down to the dock and jump in the boat, run to the railroad bridge, and drop your line in the water to catch a couple of walleyes for the evening fish fry. Since you caught your walleyes in the first couple of hours, it’s now time to run back to the cabin quick and get all the family members who slept in and take them in the boat over to Fitz’s On The Lake for their scrumptious brunch, and perhaps a Bloody Mary. Since you got up so early and your stomach is full, it’s time to run back to the cabin and set up that comfy (verrrrry comfy) lawn chair on the dock in the warm sun, with a refreshing breeze, and read your book, although it would be just fine to take a cat nap too. After you have digested your delicious brunch and taken your cat nap or read a bit, you might like to listen to a little music. Either Lakeside Bar and Grill or Remi’s Thirsty Moose is likely to have a band playing outside at the water’s edge. Perhaps some dancing would be in order. OK, the afternoon is winding down and the band has played it’s last tune so its getting near time for supper. It’s now time to grab your grill and run up the river a short ways, to find that perfect sand bar to grill your fresh fish from the early morning adventure. Enjoy a glass of wine, fresh fish, sand between your toes all while watching a gorgeous sunset over the lake. Back home to the dock and perhaps the verrrry comfy lawn chair to watch the falling stars over the lake before turning in for the evening. This is why I live on Lake Wisconsin and you should too.