Here you can search ALL Lake Wisconsin properties for sale that are listed on the Multiple Listing Service, the preferred service of real estate agents.
You can type an address, MLS #, or location into the address bar to locate a specific property. Or, you can specify your search criteria by property type, price, number of bedrooms or bathrooms, or any number of other features. Zoom into the map to search by a particular area or click onto the “View Results” button to display a list of properties. Simply click on the lake property you are interested in and you will be able to view details of the property, a picture gallery, more detailed maps, etc. You can also easily “Ask a Question” or “Schedule a Showing” by clicking on the appropriate button. Click on the green “get email alerts” button to track price changes of these properties and receive email notifications of other properties that match your search. This site is updated daily.
Take 10 seconds to “Register” and you will be able to save your searches, keep notes on properties, mark your favorites, and share with a friend or family member. This site is extremely powerful and allows you to drive your own search. Enjoy your tour and let us know if we can help.